Kingdom Practices

Fighter Database

Kingdom Marshals

Sir Davin Kinnaird MacAilean

Sir Davin Kinnaird MacAilean

Kingdom Earl Marshal

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Sir Sigvaldr Bjarnason
Deputy Earl Marshal

Master Oliver Dogberry
Deputy Earl Marshal

Master Rowen Killian
Deputy Earl Marshal
Duke Edward the Sinister
Deputy Earl Marshal
Sir Yaroslav the Persistent
Deputy Earl Marshal

Sir Parmenio Bassarion
Marshal Clerk

THL Tezar of Aeolis
Minister of Lists
Sir Halldorr Thorhalsson
Armored Combat Marshal

Baroness Alesone Gray
Rapier Marshal

THL Avenel Kellough
Rapier Cut & Thrust Marshal
Master Rhydderch Derwen
Rapier Drop Dead Deputy Marshal

Lord Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu
Minister of Archers

Master Todde MacDonnell
Youth Rapier Combat Officer

THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn, OGL
Equestrian Officer

Mistress Cecilia Medici
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Baroness Cecilia Medici
Unarmored Combat Marshal
Lady Melles Erszebet
Youth Armored Combat Officer


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News from the Crier!!

Spring Crown – Letter of Intent

Crown Tournament Letters of Intent is now open and will remain open until March 22nd at 11:00pmPlease use the following link to submit your letter. Letter Of Intent Form  

New Edition of the Caidian Boke of Law Available!

Please Find the current Boke of Kingdom Law here:

Yule and Coronations

Greetings!  We wanted to wish you a Happy Yuletide, and look forward to seeing you all at Yule and Coronation. YIS,  Baron Liam Mòr MacgregorKingdom Dep Webwright
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