Kingdom Practices
Fighter Database
Marshalate Resources
Due Date: No later than 2 weeks after the event.
Please Use for Injury, Adverse, and Grievance Reports
Quarterly Report
Reports due: Mar. 1st; June 1st; Sept. 1st; Dec. 1st
Marshal Annual Report
Due Date: July 1st
Kingdom Marshals

Sir Sigvaldr Bjarnason
Deputy Earl Marshal
Master Oliver Dogberry
Deputy Earl Marshal
Master Rowen Killian
Deputy Earl Marshal
Deputy Earl Marshal
Duke Edward the Sinister
Deputy Earl Marshal
Deputy Earl Marshal
Sir Yaroslav the Persistent
Deputy Earl Marshal
Deputy Earl Marshal
Sir Edward Castleguard
Deputy Regional Marshal of Western Seas
Sir Parmenio Bassarion
Marshal Clerk
THL Tezar of Aeolis
Minister of Lists
Minister of Lists
Sir Halldorr Thorhalsson
Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Marshal
Lady Ceolwynn of Galtris
Combat Archery and Siege Warfare Marshal
Baroness Alesone Gray
Rapier Marshal
THL Avenel Kellough
Rapier Cut & Thrust Marshal
Rapier Cut & Thrust Marshal
Master Rhydderch Derwen
Rapier Drop Dead Deputy Marshal
Rapier Drop Dead Deputy Marshal
Lord Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu
Minister of Archers
Master Todde MacDonnell
Youth Rapier Combat Officer
THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn, OGL
Equestrian Officer
Mistress Cecilia Medici
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Baroness Cecilia Medici
Unarmored Combat Marshal
Unarmored Combat Marshal
Lady Melles Erszebet
Youth Armored Combat Officer
Youth Armored Combat Officer