Web Wright of Caid

Kingdom Web Wright

Baron Rowen Killian

Kingdom Web Wright

The Kingdom Webwright generates and maintains the various websites, email lists, and technologies used to effectively communicate the goings on of the Kingdom. They oversee and support the local officers throughout the kingdom as they marry the anachronism of the SCA, with the needs of the community.

Baron Liam mor Macgregor
Deputy at Large

THL Magnus Bjørnsson
Deputy Kingdom Web Wright

News from the Crier!!

New Edition of the Caidian Boke of Law Available!

Please Find the current Boke of Kingdom Law here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ULGUOcSWFt1pzNqDsbUoLYJ8nWDrpC9E/view

Yule and Coronations

Greetings!  We wanted to wish you a Happy Yuletide, and look forward to seeing you all at Yule and Coronation. YIS,  Baron Liam Mòr MacgregorKingdom Dep Webwright
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