Kingdom Practices

Fighter Database

Kingdom Marshals

Sir Sigvaldr Bjarnason
Deputy Earl Marshal

Master Oliver Dogberry
Deputy Earl Marshal

Master Rowen Killian
Deputy Earl Marshal
Duke Edward the Sinister
Deputy Earl Marshal
Sir Yaroslav the Persistent
Deputy Earl Marshal

Sir Parmenio Bassarion
Marshal Clerk

THL Tezar of Aeolis
Minister of Lists
Sir Halldorr Thorhalsson
Armored Combat Marshal

Baroness Alesone Gray
Rapier Marshal

THL Avenel Kellough
Rapier Cut & Thrust Marshal
Master Rhydderch Derwen
Rapier Drop Dead Deputy Marshal

Lord Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu
Minister of Archers

Master Todde MacDonnell
Youth Rapier Combat Officer

THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn, OGL
Equestrian Officer

Lord Conall Murphy
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Baroness Cecilia Medici
Unarmored Combat Marshal
Lady Melles Erszebet
Youth Armored Combat Officer
News from the Crier!!

New Update to the Boke of Kingdom Law

New Boke of kingdom Law effective 7/13/2024

Kingdom of Caid Investigations FAQ

Wanted! Kingdom Archivist!

Are you someone who loves the rich history of the Kingdom of Caid and would like to help maintain and grow these records for the generations that follow? The current Archivist, Master Aldred von Lechsend aus Froschheim, is stepping down for a well-earned rest and we...
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