Baronial Missives

From Their Excellencies – Apr 2024

From Their Excellencies – Apr 2024

Greetings Calafia,


We’ve heard that April showers bring May flowers, but I think we want to avoid any mention of sky water… umm beyond the mention just now.

This last month we were able to attend a wet Crown Tournament. Congratulations to Their Highnesses Sven and Yssbel. And then, we enjoyed the always fun antics at Summergate Anniversary (and it was dry, too). Calafia had great representation at Academia Draconus  both on and off of the battlefield (wet again). We closed the month out with the Consort’s Champion Redo in the Barony of Angels (we vaguely recall a raindrop or two).

Coming up in April, we plan to attend Dun Or Anniversary, Calafia/Gyldenholt Friendship Tourney, and Consort’s Equestrian Champion. All wonderful events that we hope to see you at. We will, of course, bring shade (otherwise used as rain barriers) and snacks.

Considering that our great Potrero event is now less than two months away, please sign up to show your Magic of Friendship by volunteering.


Yours in happy drenched service,
Þorsteinn and Asa,
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Jan 2024

From Their Excellencies – Jan 2024

Greetings and Happy New Year Calafia!


 For many this is a time to recall all of the experiences and moments of the last year; to attempt to understand who we were then, how we have
changed into who we are now, and most importantly identify who we
want to be in the next year. The journey can and will be very dif erent for each of us, but we think it safe to say that the Calafian spirit will keep us together in support and friendship. And perhaps instead of making resolutions, we can strive (with a little swagger maybe) on paths filled with exciting new challenges and opportunities toward our personal (and community) goals.

We recently enjoyed Winter Arts. We are always impressed with the skill and talent displayed by the artisans and bards. And also encourage you to start that project now (because sometimes it actually takes an entire year and we really want to see it at the next Winter Arts).

The new year starts with Coronation on January 6th where Their Highnesses, Tyggr and Mercedes, will step up. We hope to see you  here. Following Coronation, we will be attending Winter Weekend from January 11 – 15. This was an amazing experience last year and we believe that we will love it just as much this time around. The Unbelted Tournament will be on January 27th. We plan to have the baronial pavilion up for all Calafians and guests. Highly recommend that you attend and represent Calafia in support of our unbelted fighters.

Once again, we want to wish you a very happy new year and look forward to every moment we will get to spend together.


Yours in service,

Lord Þorsteinn Arngiersson and TH Lady Asa Askmaðr
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Dec 2023

From Their Excellencies – Dec 2023

Greetings to the Populace of Calafia,

This last month has has been a whirlwind of activities and firsts for us.
Thank goodness for the support of the wonderful Calafia populace (and
the trident to lean on doesn’t hurt either).

Calafia Anniversary was an amazing day, though it seemed to end
way too soon. We couldnt be more thankful for everyone that was
there… and we still might be in a bit of shock. Congratulations to all of
our new Calafia champions.

Our very first event after the investiture was Calafia Equestrian
Champion. We’ve had the pleasure of participating in the monthly
equestrian practices, so it felt like coming home. And bonus… We got to
throw sharp things at other things. Always fun. We highly recommend
attending the equestrian and thrown weapons practice.

Coming up in December is Winter Arts where we will have the
opportunity to praise and honor all of the Calafian artisans and bardic
performers. We are looking forward to the day.
With the holidays on our doorstep, please take the time to care for your
families, friends, and especially yourselves in whatever way that is.
And maybe have a little fun, and a little bit of hot cider.

Yours in service,

Lord Þorsteinn Arngiersson and TH Lady Asa Askmaðr
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Nov 2023

From Their Excellencies – Nov 2023

Greetings to the Populace of Calafia,

This last month has has been a whirlwind of activities and firsts for us.
Thank goodness for the support of the wonderful Calafia populace (and
the trident to lean on doesn’t hurt either).

Calafia Anniversary was an amazing day, though it seemed to end
way too soon. We couldnt be more thankful for everyone that was
there… and we still might be in a bit of shock. Congratulations to all of
our new Calafia champions.

Our very first event after the investiture was Calafia Equestrian
Champion. We’ve had the pleasure of participating in the monthly
equestrian practices, so it felt like coming home. And bonus… We got to
throw sharp things at other things. Always fun. We highly recommend
attending the equestrian and thrown weapons practice.

Coming up in December is Winter Arts where we will have the
opportunity to praise and honor all of the Calafian artisans and bardic
performers. We are looking forward to the day.
With the holidays on our doorstep, please take the time to care for your
families, friends, and especially yourselves in whatever way that is.
And maybe have a little fun, and a little bit of hot cider.

Yours in service,

Lord Þorsteinn Arngiersson and TH Lady Asa Askmaðr
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Nov 2023

From Their Excellencies – Nov 2023

Greetings Calafia,

We are writing this about a week before Calafia Anniversary and the
investiture. During our time as Reeves we’ve had an opportunity to speak
with many of you; listen to your ideas, receive your advice, and simply get to
know you better. We also know that there are more Calafian voices to be
heard and friendships to be made. We are very excited to begin this new
journey with all of you.
Great Western War was a grand adventure. There were new serpentine
walls around the Calafia camp and plans are being made to grow the
serpent with a hand from those who would like to help (painting parties). It
was a lot of fun. If you weren’t there, we missed you and hope that you can
join us next year.
We looked forward to the Lief Erickson Tournament and were not
disappointed. It was a great event and well run. Festoon station, scavenger
hunt, tournament fighting, hospitality tent, ice floes, and more… enough
Upcoming events include a little thing we like to call Calafia Anniversary on
November 4th. We will be selecting our armored combat, rapier, cut and
thrust, archery, and youth combat champions. You really should be there.
And then we will have Calafian Equestrian Champion on November 12th
where we will be selecting our equestrian and thrown weapons champions.
We are so excited.
See you soon.

Yours in happy service,

Lord Þorsteinn Arngiersson and TH Lady Asa Askmaðr

Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Oct 2023

From Their Excellencies – Oct 2023

Greetings Calafia,

We have had the most wonderful journey this past five years as the Baron and Baroness of Calafia. We want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your time and talent with us and the Barony, helping to steward events, helping to set up the pavilion for shade for others to enjoy, helping to run a war, making largesse to share with other Baronies. You made us shine, you made it wondrous and joyful. It was our honor to serve you and make the dream come true. We hope we made you smile and laugh along with us. We are thankful for the friends we made all around the Barony and the Kingdom of Caid.

There are a few more events left during our reign. We hope that you can join us at Great Western War during the first week of October. We will be camping in the Calafia Baronial encampment. A Calafia event, Leif Erickson, will be on October 21st where you can brush up on your Norse mythology. We will also be visiting the Barony of Drieburgen on October 28th to celebrate their anniversary. And of course, our very own anniversary will be at El Monte Park on November 4th, when we welcome the new Baron and Baroness of Calafia, Torsteinn and Asa.

In Happy Service to the dream,

Gamyl of Mottrum and Danyel de Licatia
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

From Their Excellencies – Sept 2023

From Their Excellencies – Sept 2023

Greetings Calafia,

August has been a busy month with the barony of Calafia holding three events. Thank you to the following stewards that helped to make these events happen: Alianora MacMahan and Kara in Storma, stewards for Arts in the Park; Master Konrad Faust Tyndel, steward for Calafia Rapier; Melles Ersebet and Kirivi Romani Aioli, stewards for Leodamas Serpent Social. We were unable to attend Arts in the Park, (one of our favorite events with the pickle contest), due to our travels to Pennsic this year but we heard it was a fun time. Rapier Tournament was well attended as folks from Winter Mist came down to enjoy the day with us. There were wonderful art and science projects on display from the rapier community. Congratulations to Timothy McBride of Aran for winning the Rapier Tournament that day. It was just an absolute pleasure to just hang out with everyone at Leodamas Serpent Social. The event just combined all our favorite things to do, eat, drink, chat with friends and throw sharp things. Thank you to all those who entertained the masses with a song, or tale to tell during the bardic circle.

In September, we plan to bring the shady pavilion, water, Gatoraid and snacks out to Crown Tournament being held in Starkhafn. We wish those competing in the tournament and their consorts good luck. We look forward to seeing our skillful fighters on the field.

Barony of Angels anniversary will be our next event that we attend on September 16th. This day will be the investiture of the new Baron and Baroness of Angels, Jethro Calce des Excurtynyx and Katerina Magdalena Stoianovna. Please join us in celebration with the rest of Caid.

In Happy Service to the dream,

Gamyl of Mottrum and Danyel de Licatia
Baron and Baroness of Calafia