Greetings Calafia,

We are writing this about a week before Calafia Anniversary and the
investiture. During our time as Reeves we’ve had an opportunity to speak
with many of you; listen to your ideas, receive your advice, and simply get to
know you better. We also know that there are more Calafian voices to be
heard and friendships to be made. We are very excited to begin this new
journey with all of you.
Great Western War was a grand adventure. There were new serpentine
walls around the Calafia camp and plans are being made to grow the
serpent with a hand from those who would like to help (painting parties). It
was a lot of fun. If you weren’t there, we missed you and hope that you can
join us next year.
We looked forward to the Lief Erickson Tournament and were not
disappointed. It was a great event and well run. Festoon station, scavenger
hunt, tournament fighting, hospitality tent, ice floes, and more… enough
Upcoming events include a little thing we like to call Calafia Anniversary on
November 4th. We will be selecting our armored combat, rapier, cut and
thrust, archery, and youth combat champions. You really should be there.
And then we will have Calafian Equestrian Champion on November 12th
where we will be selecting our equestrian and thrown weapons champions.
We are so excited.
See you soon.

Yours in happy service,

Lord Þorsteinn Arngiersson and TH Lady Asa Askmaðr

Baron and Baroness of Calafia

Published: Dec 8, 2023