Greetings Calafia,

We have had the most wonderful journey this past five years as the Baron and Baroness of Calafia. We want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your time and talent with us and the Barony, helping to steward events, helping to set up the pavilion for shade for others to enjoy, helping to run a war, making largesse to share with other Baronies. You made us shine, you made it wondrous and joyful. It was our honor to serve you and make the dream come true. We hope we made you smile and laugh along with us. We are thankful for the friends we made all around the Barony and the Kingdom of Caid.

There are a few more events left during our reign. We hope that you can join us at Great Western War during the first week of October. We will be camping in the Calafia Baronial encampment. A Calafia event, Leif Erickson, will be on October 21st where you can brush up on your Norse mythology. We will also be visiting the Barony of Drieburgen on October 28th to celebrate their anniversary. And of course, our very own anniversary will be at El Monte Park on November 4th, when we welcome the new Baron and Baroness of Calafia, Torsteinn and Asa.

In Happy Service to the dream,

Gamyl of Mottrum and Danyel de Licatia
Baron and Baroness of Calafia

Published: Oct 31, 2023