Behold! Kahn Valentine Martyn & King Brocc of Alderden

Email Their Majesties at

His Royal Majesty

Valentine Martyn

His Royal Majesty

Brocc of Alderden



Preferred Foods:  Proteins and Sweets(gluten-free)

Disliked Foods:  Olives, raw Tomatoes, Mushrooms

Preferred Beverages:  Caffeine

Disliked Beverages:  Beer

Allergies:  Dairy, Gluten

Garb (Size, Height, Chest measurement) 5’11” 195 lbs – Measurements available upon request

Preferred colors:  Purple, Gold, Black

Persona:  Mongolian 

SCA Interests:  Armored Combat, C&T, Fencing, Harnischfecten, Leatherworking, Woodworking, Archery


Preferred Foods:  Protein, especially gamey meat; unadulterated chocolate chip cookies

Disliked Foods:  Dairy beyond the small amount typically used in baking bread, raw tomatoes, spicy food, bell peppers, oysters, Melons, on a low salt diet

Preferred Beverages:  Water

Disliked Beverages:  Coffee

Allergies:  Sunscreen

Garb (Size, Height, Chest measurement) 5′ 3″ 125-130 lbs. Pattern available upon request

Preferred colors:  Blue, white and green

Persona:  Scot

SCA Interests:  Dance

The Royal Retinue

THL Bernard Stark

THL Bernard Stark


DateEventBarony/ShireAttending RoyalsRoyal Trailer Attending
21-23Academia DraconisDreiburgenTRM Brocc
23Baron's FeastGyldenholtTRM Brocc
29Al-Sahid AnniversaryAl-SahidTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
5Crown TournamentAngelsTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
6Privy CouncilAngelsTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
12Glydenholt/Calafia Friendship TournamentTRM Brocc
19-20Starkhafn AnniversaryStarkhafnTRM Brocc
25-27Nordwache AnniversaryNordwacheTRM Brocc
3Darach AnniversaryDarachTRM Brocc
10Altavia AnniversaryAltaviaTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
17Wintermist AnniversaryWintermistTRM Brocc
22-26Potrero WarCalafiaTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
31St Jude's Fundraiser TournamentAngelsTRM Brocc
7-8Collegium CaidisTRM Brocc
14Lyondemere AnniversaryLyondemereTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
21Glydenholt AnniversaryGyldenholtTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
29All ThingsNordwacheTRM Brocc
4-6St Corrigan's DayDreiburgenTRM Brocc
12CoronationDarachTRM Valentine & TRM Brocc
News from the Crier!!

Spring Crown – Letter of Intent

Crown Tournament Letters of Intent is now open and will remain open until March 22nd at 11:00pmPlease use the following link to submit your letter. Letter Of Intent Form  

New Edition of the Caidian Boke of Law Available!

Please Find the current Boke of Kingdom Law here:

Yule and Coronations

Greetings!  We wanted to wish you a Happy Yuletide, and look forward to seeing you all at Yule and Coronation. YIS,  Baron Liam Mòr MacgregorKingdom Dep Webwright
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