Kingdom Awards

Through great works in service, arts, or martial.  Individuals within the society can earn awards.  At the Kingdom level these awards can change titles.

You can find out what awards someone on the Caid OP.

If you know of someone who is deserving of an award, please fill out a form here.


Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize excellence in service by a youth


Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize superior skill in combat archery

Argent Arrow

Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize superior skill and appearance in target archery

Argent Blade

Kingdom of Caid Grant order Rapier

Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid.
Given to recognize outstanding ability in rapier combat

Argent Star

Kingdom of Caid non-armigerous youth combat award

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize honor and chivalry in youth combat

Augmentation of Arms

Kingdom of Caid non-armigerous award

Given to recognize years of consistant, exemplary service and dedication to the
Kingdom of Caid, a rare and special award.

Award of Arms

Kingdom of Caid armigerous award

Given to recognize those who have been of diverse service to the Realm.


Kingdom of Caid armigerous equestrian award

Armigerous Kingdom Order, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize superior skill in equestrian arts.

Chanson ( L’Honneur De La Chanson)

Kingdom of Caid non-armigerous musical arts award

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize excellence in musical arts.


Kingdom of Caid Grant level target archery award

Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize outstanding ability in SCA-style target archery.

Chivalry, Order of the (Knight)

SCA Society order , Patent level armored combat award

Patent level Order, Society wide
Given to recognize those who have excelled in armored combat and exhibit peer-like qualities as a Knight.  Gives the reciepient the title of Sir.

Corde de Guerre

Kingdom of Caid non-armigerous war fighting award

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid
Given to recognize exemplary fighting skill in war combat.


Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid


County, Society-wide award

Given to recognize completing a reign as ruler of a Kingdom 

Court Barony

Society-wide award

Court Barony with Award of Arms, Society-wide

Court Barony with Grant

Society-wide award

Court Barony with Grant of Arms, Society-wide


Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize outstanding service to the Kingdom

Crescent and Flame

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize youths for outstanding endeavors in the Arts and Sciences.

Crescent Sword

Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize superior skill in armored combat.

Crossed Swords of Caid

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize prowess in wars (fighting units)

Defender of the Arts

Miscellaneous Kingdom honor, Kingdom of Caid


Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize superior service to the Kingdom of Caid.


Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize excellence in rapier combat.


Duchy, Society-wide

Given to recognize completing two reigns as ruler of the Kingdom.


Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize teaching.

Gauntlet of Caid

Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize outstanding ability in SCA sanctioned armored combat

Golden Lance of Caid

Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize outstanding ability in equestrian activities
in accordance with the Treaty of the Golden Lance.

Grant of Arms

Grant of Arms, Society-wide

Harp Argent

Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize a particular art form or scientific endeavor.

King's Champion

Miscellaneous Kingdom honor, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize the non-victorious finalist in Crown Tournament, or to someone who fought exceptionally well in the Tournament.

King's Favor

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize a personal service to the King.

Landed Baron(ess)

Territorial Baronage, Society-wide

The Baronage is the local representative of the Crown of thier Kingdom.

Laurel, Order of

Peerage, Society-wide

Given to recognize highest excellence in Arts and Sciences.

Legion of Courtesy

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize continuing courtesy.

Lux Caidis

Grant Order, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize outstanding skill in the Arts and Sciences in Caid.

Master of Arms

Peerage, Society-wide

Given to recognize martial arts.

Master of Defense

Peerage, Society-wide

Given to recognize outstanding the highest excellence in Rapier combat.  Is a Patent of Arms, and ranks equally to the Order of the Chivalry, the Order of the Pelican, and the Order of the Laurel.


Peerage, Society-wide

Given to recognize the highest excellence in service to the realm.  Is a Patent of Arms, and ranks equally to the Order of the Chivalry, the Master of Defense, and the Order of the Laurel.

Personal Heraldric Title

Non-armegious Society-wide honor

Given to recognize sustained devotion and extraordinary contributions to the arts of Heraldry
and Armory.

Queens Champion

Kingdom honor

Given to the victor of a Queens Champion Tournement.

Queen's Favor

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize personal service to the Queen.

Queen's Personal Recognition

Miscellaneous Kingdom honor

Kingdom of Caid

Right Noble, (Guild/Household)

Miscellaneous Kingdom honor, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize those Guilds/Households that have provided great service or contributed to the benefit of the Kingdom.


Non-Armigerous Society Award

Given to recognize completion of a Kingdom reign as Consort., Caidain law also recognizes Vicountess’s as Roses

Royal Recognition of Excellence

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize unique reasons, ranging from running a spectacular event to real-life heroism.

Sigillium Regis

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize special support and service to the King during a reign.

Signum Reginae

Non-Armigerous Society Award

Given to recognize special support and service to the Queen during a reign.

Signum Regni

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize special support and service to the Crown during a reign.

Vanguard of Honor

Non-Armigerous Kingdom Award, Kingdom of Caid

Given to recognize outstanding honorable and chivalric actions upon the tournament field.


Viscounty, Society-wide

Given to recognize completing a reign as ruler of a Principality.

White Scarf (Closed)

Grant Level, Society-wide

The Order of the White Scarf of Caid was awarded for outstanding ability in SCA-style rapier combat in accordance with the Treaty of the White Scarf.

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