
The Bestowed Peerage of the SCA consists of the members of the Order of Chivalry, the Order of the Laurel, the Order of Pelican and the Order of Defense. These awards are Society-wide, and are recognized throughout all the kingdoms.

In each kingdom, the Crown consults with their kingdom’s members of the Order before creating a new Peer.



The Order of the Pelicans represent the service peers of the Society.  Pelicans are the people who organize event after event, hold offices, do the paperwork, run around starting new groups, and so on. Members of the Order are called “Master” or “Mistress/Dame” and wear a medallion with the symbol of the Order – a Pelican in its Piety. In medieval times it was thought that pelicans stabbed their breasts and fed their young on their own blood in times of famine, thus the pelican became a symbol of self-sacrifice beyond the call of duty.

If you have a candidate that you feel is deserving of recognition for great service to the Kingdom or Society, or have other buisness before the order CLICK HERE to email the Pelican Liaison


The Order of the Chivalry represent the armored combat peers of the Society.  They consist of Knights and the Masters of Arms. Members and are recognized for their great skill at arms in combat, as well as for qualities of courtesy and grace. Knights swear fealty to the Crown during the knighting ceremony. They are entitled to wear a white belt, and a unadorned gold chain as a symbol of their fealty. Knights are addressed as “Sir” (name), or for some female knights, “Dame” (name). Masters of Arms are equal in rank to knights. They may choose not to swear fealty, and wear a white baldric (diagonally from shoulder to hip). They are addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name).  Knights are expected to show high levels of service, and be profiecent in arts.  As with all peerages within the SCA they should exude “Peer Like Qualities” (PLQs). 

If you have a candidate that you feel is deserving of recognition for great skill at arms in armored combat, CLICK HERE to email the Chivalry Liaison


The Order of the Laurels represent the arts and sciences peers of the Society.  Members of the Order of the Laurel are recognized for their great skill in the Arts or Sciences, for their willingness to teach others, and for using their abilities to benefit their kingdom. They are addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name). Their insignia is a laurel wreath, usually colored green on a gold background.  If you have a candidate that you feel is deserving of recognition for great skill the arts or sciences, CLICK HERE to email the Laurel Liaison

Masters of Defense

The Order of Defense represent the rapier combat peers of the Society.  Members of the Order of Defense are recognized for their great skill at rapier and/or cut-and-thrust combat, as well as for qualities of courtesy and grace, for their willingness to teach others, and for service to the kingdom. They are addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name), and are entitled to wear a white livery collar and to bear the badge: Three rapiers in pall inverted tips crossed.  If you have a candidate that you feel is deserving of recognition for great skill at arms in rapier combat, CLICK HERE to email the MOD Liaison

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