
Bardic Guild
The guild is about entertaining the populace of the Barony through song, story, original work and period pieces.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Baronial Household (Newcomers’ Guild)
This is the personal household of the Baron and Baroness of Calafia, and is designed for those new to the Barony or the SCA. Members of the household attend meetings to learn what we do and how we do it. New members are usually part of the household for about 6 to 12 months, but everyone is welcome.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Mentor of the Menage for more details.

The Company of St. Catherine
(Spinning/Weaving/All Things String)
The baronial guild is dedicated to the fiber arts. We spin, weave, knit, and do most anything that involves string.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Company of the Golden Fox (Courtesan’s Guild)
Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.

Costumers Guild
(Just a Bit of Trim)
The guild is for those interested in period costuming. We are open to all levels of skill.
Meetings are held the fourth Sunday of each month at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Guild Steward for more details.

Equestrian Guild
The Equestrian Guild is dedicated to the practice of skills at arms on horseback. We also practice and learn basic and essential horsemanship. One does not need to own a horse to participate. However, horse sharing is at the discretion of the horse owner. There is no charge for attendance but donations are accepted.
Meetings are held the fourth Sunday of each month from 9:30 am to mid-afternoon at Tumbleweed Ranch. Contact the Guild Steward for more details.

Hearth & Cauldron
(Cook’s Guild)
The guild’s mission is to encourage and promote the study, recreation, and research of cooking throughout the Middle Ages. We will research and recreate various medieval foods from the SCA time period and geographical regions, share knowledge, and explore techniques for preparing food for one or many. We will explore various cooking techniques, ingredients, tools and recipes. Period and some non-period recipes may also be explored.
Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Iron Brigade
An association of the various Armored Combat warbands in Calafia.
Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Music Guild
The guild promotes the music of the European Renaissance and Medieval periods through instrumental and vocal performance and instruction. The guild enjoys performing early music for entertainment and for dancing.
Contact the Guild Steward for more details.

Nautical Guild
The Nautical Guild of Calafia is for members of the populace with an interest in exploring period seafaring aspects, including ships and sailors, merchants, privateers, pirates, and those serving the kingdom at sea.
Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month from at noon at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Guild Steward for more details.
Needleworkers Guild
The guild’s mission is to encourage and promote the study and research of medieval needlework to include any period needle work that is done to embellish; the learning of period stitches and re-creation of such; the sharing of knowledge and techniques; and to engender ardor for such handiwork.
Anyone who does any type of needlework is welcome, from embroidery to handwork on garb. We also have members who do inkle and card weaving. Our members range from beginners to those with experience to share. Come, bring a chair, and your current project or plans.
Meetings are held the third Sunday of each month from at noon. Contact the Guild Steward for more details.

Ransomers’ Guild
Meetings are held online the fourth Tuesday of each month. Check out the Facebook Group for more details.

Rapier Guild
The guild promotes the practice, discussion, and teaching of SCA rapier, which is grounded in 16th century Italian rapier forms. Loaner gear is available for new participants interested in the form.
Meetings are held on Sundays from noon to 3 pm and Wednesdays from 6 pm to 9 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Scriptorium Calligraphy Guild
The guild practices period illumination and calligraphy. Consulting Heraldry is also available.
Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month starting at 5:45 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.
Steel Brigade
An association of the various Rapier Combat warbands in Calafia.
Melee practice is held the first Sunday of each month from 11 am to 3 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Contact the Rapier Guild Steward for more details.

Thrown Weapons Guild
The Thrown Weapons Guild promotes the practice, discussion, and teaching of Thrown Weapons styles, as well as manages loaner gear and targets.
Melee practice is held the fourt Sunday of each month at 9:30 am at Tumbleweed Ranch. Contact the Guild Steward for more details, or check out the Guild Facebook Group.