Great Western War is one of the largest SCA events in Southern California, and we expect 2,000 + people to attend, many of whom make sizable purchases at this event.

Location: Buena Vista Aquatic Recreational Area, 13601 Ironbark Rd, Taft, CA. IMPORTANT: There are two entrances to this park; please use the western gate located at 1003 Ironbark Rd.

Merchant Registration: open June 9 – August 17, 2024

If you choose to register for your booth space via U.S. mail, you will still need to email the Merchant Steward all of your paperwork, post-marked on or before August 10, 2024. You will also need to mail your check to the Exchequer, post-marked on or before August 17, 2024. The merchant coordinator does not take payments.

Merchant set-up: Registered merchants may start setting up at Noon on Monday, October 7.

War opens: Noon (12pm) on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

War closes: Noon (12pm) on Monday, October 14, 2024.

***All merchants are required to have their space cleared by no later than Noon Monday, October 14, 2024. ***

Merchant Requirements & Rules of Operation

All merchants are to be set up within the Merchant Village. No merchanting activities are allowed to take place outside of the Merchant Village. Absolutely no amplified or non-period music that can be heard beyond your booth is permitted during set-up, tear-down, or during the event. This includes the time from Noon (12pm) on Monday, October 7 – Monday, October 14, 2024. No subletting of booth space is allowed. Your booth must fit inside the space allotted, including any camping tents if you are camping in your booth space.. The theme of décor in your sales booth, sales items, and the dress of all persons associated with the booth must be consistent with the acceptable historical time period of the SCA (pre-17th Century).

**VALID Fire Extinguishers are REQUIRED for EVERY Booth **

Booth and Gate Fees

You may pay all your fees when sending in your merchant forms. Gate Entry for two (2) adults is included in the fee for your first booth space. All helpers/employees/family members must be registered online prior to September 21, 2024, in order to come on site prior to general opening of the event at Noon (12pm) on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Copies of these forms will be kept at Gate when you arrive. Please make merchant registration checks payable to: “S.C.A., Inc. / Kingdom of Caid.”

Non-Food Merchant Booth spaces are $130.00 for the first 20 ft x 20 ft lot (including ropes). This includes two (2) gate entry site tokens for your first booth space. There is a $10 discount for members. Additional 20ft x 20ft spaces are $40.00 each. Additional spaces DO NOT INCLUDE ADDITIONAL GATE ENTRY FEES.

Food Merchant Booth spaces are $145.00 for a 30 ft x 30 ft space, Including ropes. This includes two (2) gate entry site tokens. There is a $10 SCA member discount. Food Merchants are required to obtain a temporary Food Permit from Kern County.


Merchants must check in at the Gate before proceeding to the Merchant Village. Copies of all forms will be at Gate.

All merchants are expected to be self-sufficient. If you need physical assistance in setting up your booth, you must make your own arrangements, including ensuring that all helpers are registered.

Please note: all non-food spaces are 20 ft by 20 ft, including ropes! If you are a small booth, it may be possible to share the space with another small merchant. Contact the Merchant Steward to discuss this option. If you have a larger booth, you will need to pay for additional spaces (see Merchant Registration form, contact the Merchant Steward to discuss or if you have any questions). Your booth must fit within the space allotted; if your camping tent does not fit, it will need to be moved to a general open camping area. This must be coordinated with the Merchant and Land Allocation Stewards prior to setting up.


Registered Merchants may begin set up at Noon (12pm) on Monday, October 7, 2024. If you cannot find your space, ask for the Merchant Steward or one of the on-site Stewards and they will assist you. The Merchant Steward will not be readily available between 9pm and 8am. Night set-up must be carried out with full consideration of your neighbors.

Due to Park regulations, there will be very limited vehicle access off the pavement. You will be permitted to park on the grass briefly to unload your equipment. You may then move your equipment and merchandise to your space for set-up. Absolutely NO portable generators are allowed in the Merchant Village. Access to electricity is severely limited and available only to food merchants by prior arrangement with the Merchant Steward.


All merchants and campers must remove tents, equipment, sales items, supplies, packing materials, and trash from their booth premises and leave the area in a clean and orderly condition by Noon on Monday, October 14, 2024. All trash is to be moved to the dumpsters. The staff can supply extra trash bags if necessary. Failure to comply with this clearance schedule could impact on your ability to participate as a merchant at future Kingdom of Caid events.


The Event Stewards will NOT accept UPS or other ground deliveries of your merchandise. There is a strict “No Drop-Off” policy. If you wish to arrange a delivery, you must be on-site to receive it. All deliveries must be met at the SCA Gate at the western end of the park. Any deliveries for persons not on-site will be refused.

Seller’s Permits

All merchandise sellers must have valid site-specific Seller’s Permit for “13601 Ironbark Rd, Taft, CA” issued by the California Board of Equalization, and must both provide a copy with their registration form and have one with them in their booth. THIS IS REQUIRED BY LAW. There are no exceptions, even for out-of-state merchants. This means you must collect sales tax on all transactions and file all the appropriate returns. If two or more merchants will be sharing a booth space, all parties must have a current Permit. There will be NO subletting allowed.  If you provide a service and do not sell any merchandise, you do not need a permit. If you have a permit, be sure to bring it with you. If you do not, contact your local California Board of Equalization office on how to obtain a temporary permit. If you have filed but yet not received your Permit, write “Pending” in the Permit number space on the registration form and email a copy of your permit to the Merchant Steward as soon as you receive it.

If you do not have a valid site-specific California Seller’s Permit, you will NOT be allowed to set up.

The closest California State Board of Equalization office for the site is in Bakersfield at 1800-30th Street, Suite 380, CA 93301-1922. We will be happy to provide a map to this office. Phone: 661-395-2880. To obtain a California Seller’s Permit, go to the web site at:

Food Merchants

Food Merchants are required to obtain a temporary Food Permit from Kern County and permit application are attached in your Food Merchant Packet email

All food merchants will be placed together. There is a limited amount to electricity that is available ONLY to food merchants. You must contact the Merchant Steward to verify availability of electricity.

All food merchants must be familiar with any applicable rules and regulations concerning sale of food at the event. It will be your sole responsibility to ensure all requirements are met. This includes but is not limited to obtaining the proper permits and the following of guidelines for the hand and utensil washing stations set forth by Kern County.

Food Merchant Requirements:

  • All Food Merchants are required to obtain a Temporary Food Facility Permit from Kern County AND forward a copy to the Merchant Steward.
  • All Food Merchants will be responsible for following the rules set forth in the Temporary Food Facility Guidelines, which includes but is NOT limited to the hand washing station and utensil washing stations. It is your sole responsibility to ensure all requirements are met. A copy of the guidelines is included in your packet information email.
  • The theme of décor, sales items, and the dress of all persons associated with booths must be consistent with the acceptable historical time period of the SCA (~pre-17th Century).
  • To ensure a period atmosphere and a positive War experience for everyone, a balance of food types should be maintained. A menu of food/drink items for sale must be submitted with your pre-registration packet. Once approved by the staff of Great Western War, the menu must be adhered to throughout the event (minor changes of style but not of substance would be allowed). No additional items may be added to the menu without consultation with the Merchant Steward. Our goal is to offer the populace a balance of goods available while giving each merchant the opportunity to offer different menus.
  • Friday trick-or-treating will happen again this year; PARTICIPATION IS UP TO YOU.
  • Electrical hook-up twist-lock connectors will be provided. Please feel free to supply your own connectors. You may use your own generator provided that it is rated “super quiet” (50-70 decibels or less). No other generators will be allowed.
  • Space will be available in the parking lot adjacent to the Merchant Village for trailers.
  • Trash cans will be placed in the area immediately in front of the food court and liners supplied. Regular pick-up of these cans will be arranged twice per day. During heavy sales hours booth staff will be required to monitor and empty these trash cans as needed. A designated trash collection area will be readily accessible to the vendors.
  • No grey water, oil, or food residue is to be dumped/poured on the ground in any area of the event. Dumping must be done in appropriately labeled grey water receptacles on site, provided by the war staff.
  • All Food Merchants are required to have a Valid Fire Extinguisher.


There is potable running water available throughout the Park, however you may wish to bring your own as access is somewhat limited. There will be showers in mobile facilities available near the Merchant Village. Electrical supply will be restricted to food merchants and the Food Court tent. It is extremely limited and available by prior arrangement only.

There are gray water tanks with funnels available close to the Merchant Village. You must use them for all gray water. You may NOT pour any water on the ground.

Ice will be available for purchase on-site.

FIRES: All fires in fire pits must be attended. If not attended, the fire must be completely out, that includes pits with red coals or embers in them. DO NOT leave fire pits unattended.

No ground fires are allowed. Bring a safe fire pit or hibachi, and obey all fire laws and regulations that may be in effect at the time, whether or not they are mentioned here or in other GWW event information (printed or online).

Children On-site

Children under 5 must be supervised by their parent or designated adult/responsible teenager at all times. Children 5-11 must be within sight and sound of a designated adult at all times. Walkie-talkies, cell phones, etc. do not count. Youth 12 and up are considered able and responsible enough to wander freely, although parents are still responsible for their behavior. If your 5 to 11 year old would like to attend classes at Youth Point or go watch the fighting, or check out the lake while you are conducting business, you need to arrange with another adult to “keep an eye” on your child. This person is responsible for the child’s behavior and safety, and must know where you can be found in case of emergency. A responsible teenager can be your “designated adult” if you are comfortable with that arrangement.

Note: if you are teaching or taking a class in the A&S area, you are considered to be within sight and sound. Please come with your child to Youth Point and tell the teacher you will be next door at A&S.

Pets at War : Please see the website / site rules for more information


While you are ultimately responsible for your own booth, the Constabulary will make their usual rounds during the event. Volunteers to assist with this are much appreciated. Please contact the Volunteer Steward when you arrive at the site if you would like to help out.


As in years past, GWW will be conducting a Volunteer Raffle. This will be the only official raffle of GWW. The fabulous generosity of the Merchants has been a wonderful way to thank our many volunteers for all their work. If you are willing and able to make a donation to the raffle, please let the Merchant Steward know.


There will some camping space set aside near the Merchant Village for those not camping with their booth. If desired, select “Merchant Camping” when registering online. There is no fee for this process.

RV Campers

Our use area of the park will NOT include any full hook up sites for RVs. We can only provide dry camping spaces (no water, electricity, or sewer) in a paved or dirt lot. Dry RV sites can be reserved through the online registration process. Dry RV campers will be allowed to use the dump station at the full hook up site 1 mile from Dry lot.

If you require full RV hook ups, you must contact Buena Vista Reservations directly at 661-868-7050 or visit their web site at http:// to make a private reservation. Spaces are limited. The full hook up area at Buena Vista is approximately 1.5 miles away from the war site via a park road. No transportation will be provided between the full hook up area and the war site. This reservation DOES NOT include GWW site fees. You must pay GWW registration fees in order to come on the event site.


There will be one (1) reserved parking space per booth in the small lot next to the Merchant Village. The rest of the parking is at the west end of the park near the SCA Gate.


  1. Read the entire Merchant’s Packet.
  2. Read and sign the Merchant’s Agreement.
  3. Email the following items to the Merchant Stewards. Failure to include any of these items will result in the packet being returned to you and admittance denied. Please note all forms must be filled out completely and submitted by deadline date.
  • A signed Merchant Agreement
  • A copy of your valid site-specific California Seller’s Permit for “13601 Ironbark Rd, Taft, CA”
  • Food Merchants emailed copy of your Environmental Health Temporary Food Permit from Kern County to the Merchant Steward
  • Registration confirmation number/email. (Anyone who has not registered online will not be allowed on site until the war opens to the populace at Noon (12pm) on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 . No Exceptions)
  • Pictures of your booth and merchandise. (Link to website showing the merchandise is acceptable).


Email all forms to:
Beth S. Porter (Amicia Sennet ‘de Bruges)
(760-382-2531) – Please, no phone calls after 9 pm PDT or before 7 am PDT

GWW XXVI Price List

SCA Members PricesTuesday - Thursday - $90Youth (15-17) Tuesday - Thursday - $45Friday - Sunday - $80Youth (15-17) Friday - Sunday - $40Day Pass - $40Youth Day Pass - $20 SCA Non-Member PricesTuesday - Thursday - $100Youth (15-17) Tuesday - Thursday - $45Friday -...

I Volunteer is up!!

We are happy to announce that I Volunteers is up and running!!!!!! Sign up now and help the war. Just two hours goes a long way. VOLUNTEER

Welcome to GWW XXVI

GWW XXVI dates are up, Oct 8th-14th! Online registration is now open. We look forward to seeing you all. Online Registration Form

Gate Hours for War

10/8 Tuesday Noon to Midnight.

10/9 Wednesday  8:00 AM- Midnight.

10/10 Thursday 8:00 AM- Midnight.

10/11 Friday 6:00 AM – Midnight (24 hours).

10/12 Saturday 12:01 AM- 8:00 PM

10/13 Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 AM