Darach Shire Yule Party
2024 C.E. or A.S. LIX
When: Saturday December 28th,
4:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Mathom Grange, Oxnard, CA
RSVP to the Host & Hostess

What: Unofficial Shire get together and potluck!
Description: Baroness Morgana and Master Alexander have graciously announced that they are hosting our Yule celebration this year.
Contact our Seneschal, Lady Catherine, or our Arts and Sciences officer, Comptesse Albra for more information at seneschal.officer@darach.sca-caid.org.
‘Garb admired, but not required’ In the past we have asked that guests bring chairs, as we are likely to be short. Please bring your Feast Gear if you have it! Plate, bowl, cup, and utensils.
Pot Luck! – communicate on Facebook or email lists your dish
Purple Dessert Contest! – to celebrate Lady Kaarna of the Amethyst we will be holding our
traditional purple dessert contest. It can be anything as long as it is edible and purple!
Gift Exchange! – If you would like to participate in the swap, bring a wrapped item to exchange.
$20 MAX cap value, it definitely can cost less, but that is the max we want the gifts to value.