Darach Shire Yule Party

2023 C.E. or A.S. LVIII

When: December 27,            Wednesday  5pm – 9pm

Where: Wit’s End (Home of Albra & Hans), 1876 Channel Dr., Ventura, CA 93001

RSVP to the Hostess!

What: Unofficial Shire get together and potluck!

Description: We are so sorry to hear that Ada will not be able to host Yule this year at the normal venue.

RSVP By Dec.23 to greytabbie89@hotmail.com and if bringing Pot Luck items please cc
Albra at albrakat7@yahoo.com To be held at WitsEnd, in Ventura, in the outdoor garden—of comptesse albra and lord Johannes of Amstelveen (Dress Warmly!!)

‘Garb admired, but not required’ Please bring chairs, as we are likely to be short. Please bring your Feast Gear if you have it! There is a voluntary Gift Exchange—with a ‘Wicked Santa Gift Robbing’ after —-if you wish to participate —-bring a wrapped gift , with price limit of $20. The hosts are providing 1 pork roast —with a potato dish— There will be an outdoor heater—-as well as 2 fire pits out on the patio—

Published: Dec 29, 2023

Past Events

Ventura County, California

Darach Device

Posted By: Darach Admin