New to the SCA?
What is the SCA
SCA stands for Society for Creative Anachronism. We are a mediveal recreation group, started in the 1970’s. The group has 10’s of thousands of members worldwide, with a few thousand of those in your Kingdom. The Society is broken up into 23 Kingdoms. We are in the Kingdom of Caid, which is broken up into 15 Baronies and Shires. The group regularly meets, either at a regional level (like practices and local events), or at the Kingdom level for events with hundreds or thousands of people. With events nearly every weekend somewhere in Caid.

Fighting Arts
Whether it’s Armored, Rapier, or Youth, Target archery combat. Learning to throw knives and axes, or shoot target archery. There are plenty martial forms to learn.

Arts and Sciences
Want to learn how to make armor, brew, make garb, or do woodworking, leatherworking, metalworking? Ever wonder why or how something was done in history? “A&S” is where you learn, create, and teach this skills.

Atmosphere and Community
There are hundreds of people at any given event. Thousands at camping events, called ‘wars’ Some have been playing for decades, some are just starting out. Meet new people, dress in garb, or learn a new skill. People are always willing to teach, or help. The SCA is a family friendly group, with youth activies as well.

Local Events
Baronies and Shires have weekly local meetups, usually called fighter practices. These are places to get to know local members, even if you are not interested in fighting. They may also have monthly arts and sciences nights as well.
People to Know

Dame Catherine Ainsdale of Lancashire
Seneschal for the Shire of Darach, Kingdom of Caid
The Seneschal is an officer that is the local representative for the Crown of Caid. They help get events running, and get new members what they need to join, get garb, and get equipment to start being part of the group.

THL Richard James MacCausland
Chatelaine for the Shire of Darach
The Chatelaine is an officer that is the local representative for the Crown of Caid. They help get events running, and get new members what they need to join, get garb, and get equipment to start being part of the group.