Learn about our current officers and their positions or take a look at the positions that are open! We’d love to have you help join our small but mighty Canton!

THL Carrie Bear
The Seneschal is kind of like the “president” of Summergate. She is our administrator and legal representative.
Email: seneschal.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org

Lady Serena Nickolei
The Exchequer is in charge of our finances and making sure we have the money to do host events and better our Canton.
Email: exchequer.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org

Lady Dýrfinna náttsól Bresadóttir
The Webwright is in charge of the website and making sure things stay updated online.
Currently, our webwright also handles our social media pages. If you are interested in managing our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram), please reach out!
Email: webwright.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org

Gwena Coblyn
The Chatelaine is in charge of welcoming new members and helping them find garb.
Email: chatelaine.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org

Thorgrimr Kuggi
The Marshal is in charge of our fighter practices and oversees martial activities to make sure it is safe for all participants.
Email: marshal.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org
Our Deputy Marshal is Ceolwyn of Drafn.

Lady Dushenka
The Youth Activities Officer is in charge of getting kids involved in various activities and events.
Email: youth.officer@summergate.sca-caid.org
Open Offices
To become an officer, you have to be an active member in the SCA, get permission from our Seneschal, and fill out a form to submit to the Kingdom of Caid.
Arts and Sciences: The Arts and Sciences officer is in charge of getting people together for meet ups or specific classes.
Chronicler: The Chronicler is in charge of recording our events or writing news articles.
Herald: The herald office can help people find and register historical names. The herald can also be in charge of leading court during our events.
Social Media: The social media officer is in charge of making posts and updates on our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) in hopes of getting new people involved.
Are you interested in an office that is already filled? Reach out to our Seneschal or the officer to see if
they are interested in having a deputy!