Meeting Minutes
Missed a meeting? Here are the minutes of our past meetings!

Summergate Business Meeting June 14, 2024
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery in Vista
Start: 7:03pm
End: 7:49pm
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Nadia Dannhauser
Jen Parker
Gary Smith
Danielle Motherhead
Scott Motherhead
Danika Collier
Talia Collier
Seneschal: Thank you everyone for coming: let’s get this started
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Webwright: Not Our website is finally up and running! Nadia has worked tirelessly to get it up and running after almost TWO years without one. We had to talk to many, many, many people to make this happen.
Children’s Ministry: Not at meeting
Practice happens, it’s all good with lots of turnout.
Loaner gear is still in the discovery phase
Sprinkler issue: goes off at 9/9:30. Going to talk to park about the timing
Old Business:
New Place for our meetings? Members will look at a few places to see what’s available and what’s the atmosphere.
Trailer tires: Carrie Bear still hasn’t gotten tires. She will hopefully sooner rather than later. Trailer will now be stored at Carrie Bear’s house. She’s the one who trailers it, and she has space at her house. Working on getting rocks for the area.
Pop Up: Will be purchased sooner rather later. Approval of $300 has been reiterated with a 1st by Nadia and a 2nd by everyone attending the meeting.
New Business:
Present/Gift for the Woodwards: Gift card for $100 as a thank you. Visa Gift Card is agreed upon. !st by Scott Motherhead, 2nd by everyone attending.
Rapier Tournament:
August 10th Buddy Todd Park
Carrie Bear will be doing the paperwork (city and insurance).
Need to invite the Roses (email sent to Tyndel to inquire about this)
Lunch will not be provided by the Inept Engineers, Steward is trying to find another group. Any thoughts on someone else doing it? If so, let me know and I will pass along the information.
GWW: Registration is open. Baron and Baroness are handing the encampment for Calafia if you need somewhere to camp.
No meeting for May. Have fun at Potrero War everyone!
Summergate Business Meeting April 12, 2024
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery in Vista
Start: 7:09pm
End: 7:40pm
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Jenn Parker
Seneschal: Thank you everyone for coming: let’s get this started
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Webwright: Not attending but would like to reiterate: We still don’t have a website Calafia Webwright says Kingdom will be working on it next month after Potrero Sign up. Seneschal is quite upset that we’ve been pushed off for over a year by Kingdom Webwright. Not very professional.
We will be starting discord for Summergate
Children’s Ministry: Not at meeting
Practices have moved to Monday—armored turnout fantastic. 13 at practice, 10 newbies!
Loaner kits might be in our near future
Haven’t adapted to every week yet, Nadia is sending reminders on Social Media all the time. Send announcement to Crown Prints and Calendar (send off to proper channels)
Only called off for rain twice
Needs Warrant Paperwork (will be emailed off )
We don’t have a Rapier Marshall, Gyldenholt will try to send someone down as often as they can.
Old Business:
We had a good time, a good turnout, good income between donations and Opportunity Baskets. Next year we need to keep the baskets to between 5-8 baskets so we don’t overwhelm the people.
Anything we should change?
Erik set up before people were setting up their tents/areas (if there is an issue in the future please speak to Carrie about moving people)
Trailer tires: Carrie Bear still hasn’t gotten tires. She will hopefully sooner rather than later.
Demo: Great turnout
New Business:
Find a new place for meetings: way to much noise! Everybody will look and make suggestions.
Money ($100) for area for trailer at Carrie Bear’s house out in Ramona. Voted and 2nd on gravel/rocks and paving stones for wheels.
Rapier tournament: we need to talk to Ceaser about it in August at Buddy Todd Park. Summergate just does gate, keeping the profits with Summergate taking care of the business end of things: Insurance and Park rental. Will have Ceaser remind me when the time comes.
No meeting in March (we were too busy getting ready for Summergate Anniversary)
Summergate Business Meeting February 9, 2024
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery in Vista
Start: 7:00pm
End: 7:54pm
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Gary Smith
Jenn Parker
Nadia Dannhauser
Danika Collier
Talia Collier
Seneschal: Thank you everyone for coming: let’s get this started
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Webwright: We still don’t have a website Calafia Webwright says Kingdom will be working on it next month after Potrero Sign up. Seneschal is quite upset that we’ve been pushed off for over a year by Kingdom Webwright. Not very professional.
We will be starting discord for Summergate
Children’s Ministry: Not at meeting/She says hi
Deputy Marshall is here
Will be taking over in March
Will be a Marshall only for Armored Combat, not qualified for cut and thrust
Old Business:
Anniversary: March 9, 2024 @ Buddy Todd Park
Working on Insurance: paperwork has been submitted
Site fee has been paid
Site tokens taken care of
Ides of March
Fighting is being worked on with Marshall in Charge being Ceasar
Cut and Thrust instead of Longsword
Going to invite king and queen
Swords/awards are being procured from previous winners from Ceasar
Jen/Inept Engineers for food
We have the itinerary for the day? (same format as last year)
Waiting on Calafia Social Media Officer to post event
Waiting on Calendar and Serpent’s Tongue to follow through with posts and paperwork
Scott has been asked about popup and cover
We have tables, but will bring extra ones just in case
Baskets for “Donation Basket”: Tea, Beginner feast gear basket, let us know if baskets are needed
Bard Competition: Must pick Roman piece or Roman Inspired
Lysts: Kathy and Brianna
Trailer: Carrie Bear will bring
Hype Herald Competition judged by Excellencies and Seneschal for finalists. Finalists judged by crowd (death match/Showdown)
Trailer tires: Carrie Bear will take the trailer to get new tires
Demo: Bear Valley Middle School. Kids during PE class with Arts and Fighting. Youth combat? Check with Beth for those who’ve been background checked. Put up on Summergate page for volunteers.
Tuesday March 5th 8am-3pm
Not allowed to do Whack a Knight
What we can do depends on who can show up
Need to post request ASAP
Should bring a popup since no shade out on the field
Summergate will bring trailer
Archery too?
Bring a sack lunch!
Potrero War:
Registration Live on February 14th
There will be Potrero Merch
New Business:
Marshal would like to move practices to Monday’s and Weekly vs. Bi-Weekly. Our neighbors seem excited about it. It’s been voted on and passed pending investigation. Looking to start this in March/April to be announced at Anniversary.
Summergate Business Meeting January 19, 2024
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery in Vista
Start: 7:03pm
End: 7:48pm
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Gary Smith
Jenn Parker
Caesar Barillas
Nadia Dannhauser
Danika Collier
Talia Collier
Mr. Talia Collier
Seneschal: Thank you everyone for coming: let’s get this started
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Webwright: We still don’t have a website
Children’s Ministry: Not at meeting/She says hi
Per your request, here is the report on the Summergate practices.
We are averaging between 8-10 armored fighters and 2-6 rapier fighters.
Currently, we are talking with the Summergate’s Chatelaine and other fighters about doing a demo to promote our bi-weekly practices.
This month I will start purchasing the C&T equipment based on what’s been approved by the council.
I also announced my stepping down this year’s anniversary as territorial marshal to pursue other endeavors. I also proclaimed that I am seeking my replacement. So far, THL Thormgrimr Kuggi is interested in filling the role. Huzzah.
Old Business:
Anniversary: March 9, 2024 @ Buddy Todd Park
Working on Insurance
Ides of March
Fighting is being worked on with Marshall in Charge being Ceaser
Cut and Thrust instead of Longsword
Still looking for tokens
Going to invite king and queen
Swords/awards are being procured from previous winners
Jen/Inept Engineers for food
Do we have the itinerary for the day? Yes we do!! (same format as last year)
Kids: If Dushanka is there, she will bring stuff for them, if not, we won’t have anything
Need to ask Scott about popup and cover
Baskets for “Donation Basket”: Tea, Beginner feast gear basket, let us know if baskets are needed
Bard Competition: Danika has a plan
Lysts: Kathy and Brianna
Trailer: Carrie Bear will bring
Trailer tires: Carrie Bear will take the trailer to get new tires
Rapier Tournament: Somebody else will bid on it. Still in August with Summergate helping out at Buddy Todd Park.
New Business:
Demo at Mare Valley Middle School. Kids during PE class with Arts and Fighting. Youth combat? Check with Beth for those who’ve been background checked. Put up on Summergate page for volunteers.
No meeting in December! Join us for a winter gathering!
Summergate Business Meeting November 10, 2023
Place: Twisted Horn, Vista, CA
Start: 6:12pm
End: 6:45
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Jenn Parker
Gary Smith
Cassie Hoban (Zoom)
Nadia Dannhauser (Zoom)
Seneschal: Thank you for coming
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Chatelaine: We have a new Chatelaine will get her paperwork to the Barony ASAP
Webwright: Did not attend, was here via Zoom…..will contact Kingdom Webwright about how our website STILL isn’t working.
Children’s Ministry: Did not attend
Marshall: Did not attend, sent report via FB
Old Business:
Christmas Party
We are confirmed for Twisted Horn at $400 from 6pm-10pm. 1st and 2nd of a $400 for cost of Christmas Party. Christmas Ham to be provided by the Canton, side dishes provided by the people/attendees. Payment made on 11/10/23 to Twisted Horn for party
A-G SCA First Name: Dessert
H-P SCA First Name: Side Dish
Q-Z SCA First Name: Appetizers
Christmas Ornament Exchange of $5-$25
Bring money for drinks at Twisted Horn (Canton will not supply beverages)
Plates/Napkins/Silverware to be provided by Canton
Attire: Festive mundane or Viking clothing
Our practices are booming with life and activities with an average of six to ten fighters for armored and rapier. We are also getting new people visiting our practices after the Viking Festival SCA Demos. Huzzah! They are interested on heavy combat and some combat archery. I believe it is time to do more demos locally to attract more people to join our festivities.
There seem to be a huge interest on Cut and Trust. So, I will be coordinating classes for Cut and Thrust for our Canton practices soon. Below are the items we need to start.
Price list for the Cut and Thrust Loaner gear:
Economy Back of the Head Protection: $32 (Qty 2)
Economy Elbow Guards (Pair): $16 (Qty 2)
PHA Gorget: $34 (Qty 4)
Total is $232.00
Voted on by Dagmar and approved by Talia of the Canton for $232 for above items
Note: these gorgets will also be use as part of the rapier loaner gear. Since we are currently short.
Currently, the gauntlets and gloves are pricey. However, Travis is looking into finding hand protection options that are reasonability priced for loaner gear that will cover both styles of Cut and Thrust. ($40ish range for prices found so far)
I am also working with Master Rhydderich to acquire sabers and arming swords for Cut and Thrust.
The plan is to order two sabers and two arming swords which are $140 each. These are a great deal; the drawback is we need to wait for Rhydderich to have orders of ten swords total to gain that discount.
We are not approving the swords of right now: when there is a larger order with Rhydderich, we will review once again.
Lastly, Travis and I are still looking for longsword options but that will take a while to investigate.
If I can get an approval on purchasing these items, we can start ordering these items from Purpleheart Armory for the protection gear and the swords from Master Rhydderich.
Caesar Alejandro de Baracoa
Territorial Marshal and Deputy Seneschal
*Travis is looking into the notion of why Summergate is stocking the loaner items especially the swords, vs Rapier Guild
New Business:
March 9, 2024 8am-5pm, Ides of March Theme
Dankia is the Steward
Seneschal will send Danika all the pertinent information
Carrie Bear will bring Summergate trailer to event
Budget: $300 1st and 2nd by Cheryl and Jen
Lunch Inept Engineers—they have been contacted to inquire
Shade Coverings
Seneschal will poke Gamyl for popup and covering for Gate.
Shade coverings are taken care of: Baronial pavilion will be there, we will bring extra’s if needed.
Next Meeting will be January 19th at 7pm at Twisted Horn
** Just an FYI: Dagmar will be Co-Steward of Potrero 2024
No meeting in October 2023
No meeting in September 2023
No meeting in August 2023
No meeting in July 2023
No meeting in June 2023
No meeting in May 2023. Have fun at Anniversary!
Summergate Business Meeting Aprin 2023
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery in Vista
Start: 7:10pm
End: 8:13pm
Carrie Bear
Cheryl Smith
Gary Smith
Jen Parker
Caesar Barillas
Seneschal: Thank you everyone for coming: let’s get this started
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Webwright: Not at Meeting/Nothing to report
Children’s Ministry: Not at meeting
About 8-10 people at practice, much depends on the date as to what is done: Heavies or rapiers. New deputy Travis has bought gloves for loaner gear. Are still looking into gorgets.
Ivar from Drieburgen can make Armour at approx $50 per set (chest, arms, elbow, knees, legs, gorget)
If we need more, we need to get him a barrel.
Thorgrimr is still Marshall deputy
Kim is new deputy archer
Old Business:
Anniversary: May 7, 2023 Buddy Todd Park
We have insurance
Prizes for Winners are here (Grimms Fairy Tales)
We have tokens
Swords are being procured from previous winners
Jen/Inept Engineers for food
Do we have the itinerary for the day? Yes we do!! (same format as last year)
Re: Kids: Something simple off to the side just in case kids show up (gingerbread houses)
Need to ask Scott about size of popup so that we can purchase a new one
Baskets for opportunity drawing: Tea, Feast gear basket (donations of baskets has been asked for on facebook), whatever Cheryl wants to put together
Trailer tires: Carrie Bear will taking the trailer to get new tires
New Business:
New Rapier and Archery Deputies need to be updated on website
Calafia Uncollared Rapier Tournament: August 12, 2023 at Buddy Todd Park Conrad is steward, Caesar is co-steward.
Summergate has been requested to do the business end of it.
Summergate will be the recipient of all the funds and will run gate
Will Summergate be finding tokens? TBD
Rapier guild will be providing yellow roses
Rapier guild will be providing an extra life if fighters turn in an art project
Invitation to King and Queen provided by Rapier Guild as of now
Food: will be discussed between stewards
May’s Business Meeting will be a potluck at Cheryl’s house 7pm
Back to every other after that (July, Sept, Nov)
Crown is July 8th in San Marcos
No meeting in March 2023
Summergate Business Meeting: February 10, 2023
Place: Twisted Horn Meadery, Vista
Time Start: 7: 05
End Time: 8:01
Scott Motherhead
Danielle Motherhead
Caesar Barillas (Cesar Alejandro de Baracoa)
Kathrine Buford Levin
Davin Kinnaird MacAilena
Gary Smith
Cheryl Smith
Jenn Parker
Maggie Guthrie & Boo
Carrie Bear
Seneschal: Thanks for coming out, let’s get this party started!
Exchequer: We’ve got money
Doing pretty well in term of attendance
Approximately 10-12 both heavy and rapier fighters
Discussed our loaner gear for rapier and heavy
Gorget, helmets, (re-strapping, rivets, elbows, knees, re-padding) Armor workshop day is a possibility
Caesar will contact people in Drieburgen about getting pieces fixed
Gamyl and Ceaser will get a list together for heavies and rapier for what’s needed in repairs and gear
Melody stepping down as Rapier deputy. Travis is stepping up for rapier deputy.
Anniversary: May 6, 2023 Buddy Todd Park
Grimms Fairy Tales
Event Steward: Carrie Bear (as of right now)
To Do: Park Reservation
Insurance from SCA
Opportunity Baskets (theme: poison apples, wool, yarn, beginner feast gear)
Contact company of St. Catherine: spinning wheel people
Glass Apples for decorations
Youth Combat: Beth Bird
Youth Activities: Youth officer won’t be there due to other obligations, so doubtful there will be children there. However, we will still have a station for children just in case
List officer needs to run youth combat? Beth needs to talk to List officer (Katherine) as to what is needed
Gingerbread House kits for Anniversary for the kids if we can find them
We will officially invite King and Queen
I’ll ask inept engineers to do food.
Swords need to come back from champions. Avenal and Sir Trig Caesar will contact them to bring it back
Auction under Summergate pavilion. Theme baskets: not a lot of stuff
Beginner feast gear is always a hit
Poison Apples
Spinning wheel/Yarn
Grimms Fairy Tales Book(s)
Parking will NOT be held after 8:30/9:00 depending on the crowds/number of mundane’s attending park
Suggested: with a First and second to get pop up AND cover from Historically Covered: Carrie Bear set a motion for Gamyl to take care of pop up and cover for $300. Passed by everyone else.
New Business:
Summergate want to host the rapier tournament? 2nd weekend of August at Buddy Todd Park? Yes
One of the MOD’s in Rapier have to Autocrat it? Danielle will ask Mattea if she wants it run like it was last year…..Summergate pays for everything (park and insurance) and hosts it, and Summergate will keep all the profits or losses. Caesar will coordinate with MOD’s and take care of awards.
More info to follow.
Caesar going to rapier war next week (17th-21st) and giving presentation and awards to kingdom youth rapier and giving invitation to queen for Summergate Anniversary.
No meeting in January 2023