Marshaling: Requesting volunteers via ivolunteer ( prior to the event, and accepting marshals for tournaments and melee scenarios day-of. If necessary, requesting each fighting unit to provide a marshal if necessary. 

Water Bearing: Accepting volunteers to help with water bearing for fighters each day. The rapier stewards will bring a few flats of water, and each fighting unit is encouraged to bring a flat of water, too. Please be mindful of managing additional trash from pre-packaged items and bottled water as well.

Armor & Weapon Inspection: Marshalls will be available each day between Thursday to Sunday before tournaments and scenarios begin.

All weapons, armor, and spears to be inspected before the start of tournaments and scenarios, and to conform to Caid rules. Any fighter found with substandard armor and/or weapons will be asked to correct any issues before re-inspection and participation in tournaments and scenarios. The Early Bird Bear Pit, Bridesmaid, Torchlight, and C&T Tournaments; and Valkyrie Rose are all cleared for the reduced armor experiment. 

Pick Up Fighting: Space around the field is available for pickup fighting. Once scenarios and tournaments are completed each day, the field is available for any additional fighting as well.


Thursday, October 5th:

  • 2:00pm – Early Bird Bear Pit, with a separate pool for fighters who have been authorized two years or less.

Friday, October 6th:

  • 9:30AM – Bridesmaid Tournament
    Never won a tournament? Always finding yourself as the runner up? Then this tournament is for you! Come out, cross swords, and warm up your war. Tournament will take place on the Melee field.

    Fighters who have not won a Kingdom, Principality, or Baronial Championship (or equivalent), or have not won a previous Bridesmaid Tourney may enter.

  • 4:00PM – Valkyrie Rose 

Fighters in this tournament are sponsored by a Lady/Lord of the Rose. If you don’t have a sponsor and would like to fight, please check in with the tournament steward to see if any spots are available. This tournament displays the heraldry, pageantry, and chivalry of our society. Sponsored fighters will participate in a procession and speed tourney, fighting for the honor of the Lady/Lord of the Rose they are sponsored by. Prizes are given for the winner of the tournament and most chivalrous fighter. Tournament will take place on the Melee field.

  • 7:00PM – The 43rd Annual Torchlight Tournament and Bauble Battle.
    List opens at noon, and closes at 6pm, Fighting starts: 7pm.

The Ridotti Den of Iniquity, in the Sable Hart encampment, continues our traditional Torchlight Tournament. The house will be providing baubles, taking bets, and the Ridotti will be awarding prizes for:

  • The person who wins the most fights

  • The person who wins the most fights against the odds

  • The person who wins the most baubles by gambling

  • The best dressed fighter of the evening.

There will be two fields available for the tournament. Each entrant will fight four opponents, and single pass each. The top eight-ish fighters will move to a single-elimination finals. This year, in the first half of the tournament, double-kills will be blood to the field and a win for the house. As always, there is no fighting from the ground during this tournament and no falling down in the dark. No salutes or delays.

Pickles’ Public House will be dishing up wood fired pizzas to fighters and gamblers alike while supplies last. 

Saturday, October 7th:

  • 2:00PM C&T Tournament. 

Join us on the Rapier Field Saturday after melee scenarios for an Armor-as-Worn Cut and Thrust tournament in honor of The Honorable Lady Meala Caimbeul. Your hosts, Master Malise MacKendry and Lord Edmund Barlow invite you to don your period armor, and cover up to 50% of your body. Plate is considered proof; chain or heavy leather protects against cuts. Members of the Populace are encouraged to attend and watch the fights in honor of our friend!

All Fighters entering the lists must be Cut and Thrust authorized, and armored to Cut and Thrust standards. Combatants are not required to wear any additional armor, but are welcome and encouraged to! The list will be limited rounds dependent on the number of entrants, and fought with weapons of choice. We hope to see fighters from many Kingdoms in attendance. Armor to your home Kingdom’s standards, blow calling shall be to the standard Caid Rapier Cut & Thrust ruleset.

Armor standards, all Fighters shall wear their Kingdom minimums for cut and thrust rapier, and are encouraged and permitted (but not required) to wear additional pieces of armor. Armor shall be simulated as it is openly worn and shall count for no more than 50% of the body. 


Torso = 40%

Head = 10%

Plate is proof

Arms = 20%

Legs = 20%

Leather/chain protects vs cuts

Chain maille must be of period construction to count as armor, ringmesh used as minimum armor requirements does not count as armor as worn.

Armor must be made of period construction/appear to be made of period construction.

Ex. Plastic armor with a period covering over it, plastic breastplate or vambraces with suede or leather stretched over it will pass as Period like construction.

Aluminum metallic armor that is made to resemble period construction.

Rigidly hardened leather will be proof against cuts and thrusts.


Join us for melee scenarios at 12PM Friday, and 10AM Saturday and Sunday. Sides to be split evenly between Caid vs the West and its allies. Fighting units may be asked to join the opposite side to alleviate any disparity between sides. Each scenario runs multiple times with additional adjustments to the rules as necessary.

Friday, October6th, 12PM:

  • Gentle Melee Warm-up: Single Sword only. First blood counts as a kill as no wounds are to be enacted. Scenario ends when 10 minutes have elapsed.

  • Reinforcement Battles: Melee with rezes at specific timed intervals. Scenario ends when only one side remains, or time limit is reached.

  • Holy Relic: Each side must defend the opposing side’s relic from being claimed and returned. Scenario ends when a relic is returned or time limit is reached.

Saturday, October 7th, 10AM:

  • Gentle Melee Warm-up: Single Sword only. First blood counts as a kill as no wounds are to be enacted. Scenario ends when 10 minutes have elapsed.

  • Capture the Fort: Defending side must maintain occupation of the fort. Scenario ends when time limit is reached, the attacking side occupies the fort, or the defending side has exhausted rezes. 

  • King of the Hill: Each side sends a combatant to fight in single combat in the center of the fort, with a point award to each side per win. Scenario ends when time limit is reached, and score will be tallied. 

  • Collect the Loot: Each side fights over returning a cache of items from the fort center to their respective rez points. Scenario ends once all loot has been captured, and then the tally begins for scoring items collected.

Sunday, October 8th, 10AM: 

  • Warlord Warm-up: No teams. On death, side with the person who killed you. Scenario ends when only one side exists, or a stalemate between remaining sides.

  • Dual Bridge Battle: Scenario ends when the attacking side has reached the opposite side of the field, or 10 minutes have elapsed.

  • Calafia Strike: Defending side protects multiple sites. Attacking side must deliver an explosive to the site, and maintain the site for 30 seconds once planted. Scenario ends when all of one side dies, the attacking side maintains the site after planting the explosive, or the defending side successfully removes the planted explosive from the site.  


Youth Combat is on the armored and rapier field at 2:00pm, and Youth Rapier at 3:00pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A parent or guardian must be present, and it is encouraged to bring your own gear as loaner gear will be extremely limited.

Welcome to GWW XXVI

GWW XXVI dates are up, Oct 8th-14th! Online registration is now open. We look forward to seeing you all. Online Registration Form

Welcome to Great Western War!

Gate Hours for War

10/8 Tuesday Noon to Midnight.

10/9 Wednesday  8:00 AM- Midnight.

10/10 Thursday 8:00 AM- Midnight.

10/11 Friday 12:01 AM- Midnight (24 hours).

10/12 Saturday 12:01 AM- 4:00 PM