Baronial awards

Through great works in service, arts, or martial.  individuals withing the society can earn awards.  At the Kingdom level these awards can change titles, read more here.

But at the regional level you can achieve awards amongst your group for similar feats of effort.  Below is a list of current awards.  To recommend an individual for an award you can please fill out the form that goes to the Baronage here.

Company of the Gillyflower

Company of the Gillyflower

Baronial Service Award

Wintermist grows according to the labors of the barony members. The seeds of such labor are based in services performed so that others may enjoy the dreams we embrace. In ancient Scotland, a Gilly was one who served. As the Gillyflower blooms, so do the gentles worthy of recognition for their deeds.

Company of the Vane

Company of the Vane

Baronial Fighting Award

The practice, skill, and training of the martial arts have long been a major tenet of the Society and of this Barony. Wintermist honors these brave souls with membership in the Company of the Vane. High honor is deserved of those who participate in the many forms of combat, and whose performance over the years has brought acknowledgment and renown not only upon themselves, but also upon their Barony and Kingdom.

Order of the Lyre D’Or

Order of the Lyre D’Or

Baronial Arts Award

The Barony of Wintermist holds abilities in the Arts & Sciences with as high a regard as it does the skill of martial arts. We therefore wish to honor those whose artistry and skill exemplify the standard to which we aspire. Thus was created the Order of the Lyre d’Or; a badge of honor for those whose skill in a particular art or science, or by virtue of continuing excellence in several fields, continues the tradition of our artisans.

Company of Noble Touch

Company of Noble Touch

The ideals of chivalry and honor are based on courteous demeanor. The honor of the Noble Touch is bestowed to individuals who personify the courtesy we all aspire to achieve in our journey.

This is a unique honor, held by only one individual at a time, and passed on by the previous recipient to continue the circle of chivalry within Wintermist.

Order of the Silver Quill

Order of the Silver Quill

The Company of the Silver Quill of Wintermist was created to encourage those within the Barony to participate in the art of writing, poetry and prose. This honor is presented once a year to that individual, chosen by the Chronicler, who has shown a greater level of dedication to this art form by regularly submitting articles, art or poetry to the Tales from the Mist for the enjoyment of the populace

Company of Winters Axe

Company of Winters Axe

– Gules, a battle-axe and on a chief embattled argent three snowflakes gules.


-This is an augmentation to a Vane. The Company of Winters Axe is given after conferring with the current members of the Company. This Company recognizes thrown weapons practitioners who have succeeded in tournaments, maintained a period appearance, have participated in the arts or service to the Society, and who are exceptionally chivalrous.

Company of Winters Blade

Company of Winters Blade

– Gules, a swept-hilted rapier inverted and on a chief embattled argent three snowflakes gules.


-This is an augmentation to a Vane. The Company of Winters Blade is given after conferring with the current members of the Company. This Company recognizes fighters who have succeeded in rapier tournaments, maintained a period appearance, have participated in the arts or service to the Society, and who are exceptionally chivalrous.

Company of Winters Helm

Company of Winters Helm

– Gules, a helm and on a chief embattled argent three snowflakes gules.


-This is an augmentation to a Vane. The Company of Winters Helm is given after conferring with the current members of the Company. This Company recognizes fighters who have succeeded in armored tournaments, maintained a period appearance, have participated in the arts or service to the Society, and who are exceptionally chivalrous.

Company of Winters Mantle

Company of Winters Mantle

– Per bend embattled gules and argent, two snowflakes counterchanged.


-The Order of Winters Mantle is a children’s award given to recognize either outstanding artistic talent or a shining example of maturity and courtesy.

Order of the Argent Oak

Order of the Argent Oak

– (Fieldless) On a tree blasted and eradicated argent a snowflake gules.


– This is an augmentation to a Lyre D’or. Wintermist is wholly enriched by the practice of arts and sciences. Great honor is bestowed upon those who endeavor not only to practice and create, but to share their skill and joy with aspiring artisans by teaching and sharing their knowledge

Order of the Fleur Blanche

Order of the Fleur Blanche

– Per bend argent and gules, a bouquet of three roses issuant from the line of division argent.


– This is an augmentation to a Gillyflower. The Company of the Fleur Blanche recognizes those gentles’ whose labors and service to the Barony have continued over a considerable time and have given freely of themselves and of their time. As the snow flower blooms and thrives even in winter, so too does the Barony thanks to their great efforts.

Order of the Shield of Valor

Order of the Shield of Valor

– Per bend engrailed argent and gules, a snowflake and a chalice counterchanged.


-This is an augmentation to a Vane. Those who fight at a superior level carry not only their arms, but also the duty to promote and grow the martial arts in Wintermist. The Order of the Shield of Valor honors those gentles’ who have helped teach and develop other fighters.

Order of Winters Door

Order of Winters Door

– Gules, an arch with doors open and on a chief embattled argent three snowflakes gules.


-The Order of Winters Door acknowledges and honors gentles residing outside of Wintermist whose exemplary conduct, contributions, and diverse efforts have positively impacted Wintermist.

Baron and Baroness Favor

Baron and Baroness Favor

– Gules, a snowflake and in base two annulets interlaced in fess argent.