Meet Our Baron and Baroness

Baron Quintus Aelius Ajax


Email me at

Personal Preferences

Colors: Orange, Blue, Red, Black

Persona: Roman

Interests and Activities: Armored Combat, Football (Broncos)

Food likes: Anything Meat

Dietary Restrictions: No sugar or alcohol

Allergies: None

Baronness Fabia Varia

Email me at

Personal Preferences

Colors: Blue, Yellow, Green

Persona: Roman

Interests and Activities: Jewelry Making

Food likes: Meats, veggies, and sugar (but prefers not to receive since Ajax cannot have anymore)

Dietary Restrictions: No soda, water, wine, tea, coffee

Allergies: None

Meet Our Reeves

THL Alphonsus Balthasar von Hamer


Personal Preferences

Preferred Foods: Protein, sweets

Disliked Foods: Very spicy food

Preferred beverage: Caffeine, sekanjabin, water, wine, beer, cider

Disliked beverages: Sugary drinks

Allergies: None

Preferred colors: Red, white, black, yellow, blue

SCA interests: Shields and bucklers, war hammers, rapier combat, acid etching, book making, leather working, woodworking, RBGs, siege weapons

Lady Sherlin Goldhammer

Email me at

Personal Preferences

Preferred Foods: Protein and pastries

Disliked Foods: Very spicy foods

Preferred Beverage: Water, caffeine, wine, beer, tequila

Disliked Beverages: Anything sour

Allergies: Shellfish

Preferred Colors: Red and white or black and yellow

Persona: 16th Century German

SCA interests: Wood Working/Burning, Oil Painting, Beading, Garb Making (especially wool), Rapier Combat, Aspiring Armored Fighter, Learning Instruments, Singing, hammer themed anything, Walnut themed anything