he following is information regarding the Great Western War Event Site.
In the event of high temperatures and in collaboration with the Kingdom Earl Marshal, a new heat stress policy has been established by the war staff. Every day during the war, the staff, along with the marshal, will be measuring the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). This measurement accounts for temperature, humidity (RH), wind speed, sun angle, and cloud cover (solar radiation) to assess heat stress in direct sunlight. It differs from the heat index, which only considers temperature and humidity and is calculated for shady areas. More information on WBGT can be found here.
We will be following the Marshal ‘s direction, using the above policy
COVID-19 is still prominent. Please be mindful and make sure you are protecting yourselves. If you feel sick, it is crucial that you get tested and take appropriate action to protect yourself and others. Please mask, isolate, and test before attending any group activities. Thank you.
The soil in Kern County contains fungal spores that can cause Valley Fever when inhaled. If you have health concerns, consult your physician to determine appropriate protective measures. Use of shelter and/or N95 masks is recommended by health officials during dust storms. If you experience any respiratory symptoms during or after the event, please see a physician and notify them you have been camping in Central Valley and ask to be tested.
GWW staff will work to minimize dust by using a water buffalo to dampen the interior roads and fill holes with moist sand during the event. To this end, we are in need of volunteers to help drive the rental vehicle towing the water buffalo and able bodies to help fill holes that appear during the event. Please sign up in iVoluteer ahead of the war and in Headquarters (HQ) near merchants once the war has started. We thank you in advance!