
Checky argent and sable, on a mullet of eight points Or an annulet sable

Lady Nordwache

Sigríðr hvíta refr

Also known as

Siri Hvita Refer

Personal Preferences


Beverage coke, water,sekanjabin pepsi
Sweet Snack chocolate, w/nuts
Savory Snack meat and cheese sticks
Salty Snack wheatthins
Favorite Chips Salt & Vinager
Perfers Sweet nuts (Honey roasted over salted) chocolate deserts Raw broccoli, dark liquors,spicy foods
Protien no oversions, Ceviche is a favorite dish
General natural scents and Honey by Pink
Colors Black/Yellow or Teal/purple

 No Alergies

Per bend gules and argent, a bear statant and a bow counterchanged.

Lord Nordwache

Gurin Bodo

Personal Preferences


Beverage coke, water,sekanjabin pepsi
Sweet Snack chocolate, w/nuts
Savory Snack meat and cheese sticks
Salty Snack wheatthins
Favorite Chips Salt & Vinager
Perfers Sweet nuts (Honey roasted over salted) chocolate deserts Raw broccoli, dark liquors,spicy foods
Protien no oversions, Ceviche is a favorite dish
General natural scents and Honey by Pink
Colors Black/Yellow r Teal/purple

 No Alergies