Baronial Awards

Through great works in service, arts, or martial.  inidviduals withing the society can earn awards.  At the Kingdom level these awards can change titles, read more here.

But at the regional level you can achieve awards amongst your group for similar feats of effort.  Below is a list of current awards.  To recommend an individual for an award you may complete the Baronial Award Recomendation Form

You can check here to see what awards may already have been given to a person.


Order of the Fenix d’Or

Order of the Fenix d’Or

Baronial Service Award

Established in 2014 for service to the Barony.
Blazon: Azure, a phoenix Or between five bezants in annulo.
*Augmentation to Order of the Fenix d’Or  : Given by Their Excellencies to those whose outstanding service has continued after initial receipt of the Order of the Fenix d’Or (Service)

 Order of the Talon and Flame

Order of the Talon and Flame

Baronial Fighting Award

Established in 2014 to recognize excellence in the martial arts.
Blazon: Azure, in pale an eagle’s foot couped bendwise inverted clutching a flame Or.

 Order of le Beau Coeur

Order of le Beau Coeur

Baronial Arts Award

Established in 2014 to recognize excellence in the Arts & Sciences. These awards are specific to one art, so it is possible to receive more than one Order of le Beau Coeur.
Blazon: (Fieldless) A wreath of grape leaves argent surmounted by four hearts in cross points to center gules.

 Order of le Coeur Nobel

Order of le Coeur Nobel

Award for Courtesy and Noble demeanor

Established in 2014 to recognize the courtesy and Noble demeanor of people within the barony.

Order of the Imber

Order of the Imber

Baronial Youth Award

Established in 2014 to recognize service from the Barony’s youth members.
Blazon: (Fieldless) A brown bird’s nest proper issuant therefrom a flame Or.

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