The Gyldenholt Brewers Guild is a branch of the Right Noble Order of the Brewers Guild of Caid. It is a forum to talk about brewing and brewing branch activities. The barony branch is open to anyone interested in brewing alcoholic beverages, and non-alcoholic beverages, and fermented foods.
Purpose of the Guild is to:
* Teach and provide information about all aspects of brewing to all who are interested
* Provide training to create a corps of certified brewing judges
* Educate the populace in safe, responsible drinking practices
* Help maintain the integrity of non-alcoholic sites
Branchmaster: Reynold Colling – Branch Secretary: Carol of Gyldenholt
Join in the conversation on our Facebook group page: Gyldenholt Brewers Guild
For questions or comments contact: Reynold Colling
Additional links: Right Noble Order of the Brewers Guild of Caid:
Facebook Group
Fiber Arts
A guild which researches and recreates all manners of period textile crafts, including spinning, weaving, needle work, etc. No experience necessary.
Contact Duchess Bridget Lucia MacKenzie
At Sunday Solar, 3rd Sunday of the Month 1-3pm, we gather to do these crafts and more. Learn how to spin, weave, embroider and do other period arts. Contact Duchess Bridget Lucia MacKenzie”
A group that researches and teaches medieval metalworking techniques. Guild activities include creating personal favors, trinkets, and badges as well as making site tokens for events. All skill levels are welcome as the guild learns and practices new techniques together.
Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in Fountain Valley, CA.
The group’s Facebook page can be found here
Contact Muriel O’Dooley
The Historians’ Guild is a place where we nurture and support one another research skills and take turns sharing our findings on our favorite topics! No need to present if you don’t wish to– but people tend to get hooked!
The gathering is open to anyone interested, with no experience necessary. Beginners are especially welcome!
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at the home of Mistress Maria Theresa and Baron Bart in Westminster, CA. We also stream live on Zoom.
Join the Facebook group page Gyldenholt Historians’ Guild to get the latest and to see our archive of Research Resources and recordings of the previous presentation.
Contact: Hunith Lily
Right Noble Upper Crust Cooking
We are the only cooking guild in the kingdom designated as right noble. The Right Noble Upper Crust Cooking Guild researches and recreates period food with an emphasis on preparation. The guild participates in preparation of event feasts on both a kingdom and local level with a focus on delicious tasting, period authenticity.
Members have an opportunity to explore the food of their persona time and place as well as a variety of times and places. Both experienced cooks and novices to period cooking are welcome to attend.
You will also find information including recipes, menus, book reviews and more on the Cooking Guild Facebook GroupYou will also find more information on the Cooking guild website.
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the home of Messer Giuseppe. Please contact the guild master, Messer Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia for details.
The Bardic Guild of Gyldenholt aims to promote the bardic arts through scholarship, creativity, artistic endeavor, and community. Meetings may include lectures, workshops, and performance practice opportunities.
This group is currently dark.
If you are interested in this guild, please contact Duchess Bridget Lucia Mackenzie
A guild that researches and recreates period scribal arts including calligraphy and illumination. You will also find more information on the College of Scribes Webpage.
This group is currently dark.
If you are interested in this guild, please contact Duchess Bridget Lucia Mackenzie