1000 S State College Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92806, United States
The Barony of Gyldenholt invites you to join us on August 19, 2023, to celebrate Her Royal Majesty Lorissa and witness the selection of her Arts & Sciences Champion. By HRM’s request, the theme for the day will be “For Honor, Love and Beauty,” these are the words inscribed inside the Consort’s Crowns. The day’s theme can also include reverence and remembrances of all the Caidan Roses.
8:00 am – Site opens for set up
9:00 am – Site opens for the populace
10:00 am (or at Her Majesty’s discretion) – Opening Court
12:00 pm – Lunch break
1:00 pm – Bardic Performances
4:00 pm – Closing Court
5:00 pm – Site clean up
6:00 pm – Site closes
ACTIVITIES: There will be an A&S competition with displays for those wishing to become Her Majesty’s A&S Champion. Those who do not wish to compete are still encouraged to display their art on a space available basis. There will be Bardic Performances, as well as classes and demos. Please sign up using the appropriate form below:
Please use this form to request table space for your arts competition display: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc…/viewform
Please use this form to schedule for your performance art:
Artisans are encouraged to provide art demos and/or classes throughout the day. Please submit this class sign-up form if you would like to teach or demo your art:
EVENT REGISTRATION: Adult Event Registration $15.00, Adult Member Discount Event Registration $10.00 (upon proof of membership). Children under the age of 17 are guests of the Barony. Cash and checks accepted at gate. Small bills are appreciated. Make checks payable to “SCA, Inc./Barony of Gyldenholt”. There are no refunds.
SITE INFORMATION & RESTRICTIONS: This is a DRY site. Merchants are welcome. Please plan for setting up outdoors in a semi-shaded concrete patio area. Pop-ups are acceptable.
DIRECTIONS: Anaheim United Methodist Church is in the City of Anaheim. To reach the church, take the Santa Ana Freeway (#5) to the State College off-ramp, towards The City Dr. Turn right on N. State College Blvd. The church will be on the right-hand side. Or take the Garden Grove Freeway (#22) to The City Dr off-ramp. Turn left on The City Dr. The City Dr becomes N. State College Blvd. The Church Will be on the right-hand side.
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/JpHsn1fP4cK2
EVENT STEWARDS: Countess Leonora Morgana, Duchess Bridge Lucia MacKenzie, and Master Dafydd ap Thomas (site Steward)
EVENT EMAIL: festivalrose@gyldenholt.sca-caid.org
DISCLAIMER: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary