Potrero War Gatebook

Rules & Regulations

by | Apr 19, 2024 | Gatebook 2024

Potrero War is an SCA event, and attendees at Potrero War are guests of the Barony of Calafia. These site rules are intended to complement the County Park rules and may be more restrictive as needed to protect the health and safety of attendees and park property.

All individuals attending Potrero War are responsible for following all modern laws, County Park Rules, and SCA regulations while they are on site. When you sign the registration form at Gate, you are agreeing to follow these regulations. The event staff and park rangers will be enforcing all site rules.

If violations of modern law occur, the SCAwill not be responsible for the individuals committing the violations; Modern authorities will be called immediately. Violations of County park regulations will be addressed by the Ranger Staff. Violations of SCA site rules/ Corpora will be handled by the event steward or Seneschal.

Per SCA Corpora, it is within the purview of the Seneschal to eject from the event, without refund, any individuals or groups who are posing a threat to the health or safety of event attendees, who are in violation of modern laws or SCA regulations, or whose actions or behavior are disrupting the event. The SCA is a society based on the values of courtesy and chivalry. Please be respectful to those around you while you are on site.

  • ALCOHOL: Alcoholic beverages 20% and below are permitted at Potrero.
  • UNDERAGE DRINKING: People under 21 caught drinking will be removed from site without refund, as will their guardians if the individual is under 18. The sheriff will be called. Any household or individual found to be providing alcohol to underage individuals will be removed from site without refund. Anyone providing alcohol must check IDs before serving.
  • ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES: Illegal use of controlled substances will not be tolerated and the modern authorities will be called.
  • CANNABIS USAGE: Per HSC11362.3 – HSC11362.4, use of any cannabis product in public spaces (County Parks included) is prohibited.
  • FIREARMS/INCENDIARIES: Firearms and incendiaries (including fireworks) are prohibited in the park.
  • GENERATORS: The use of generators are not permitted in the park unless an exception is granted by the Event Stewards and Baronial Seneschal.
  • QUIET HOURS: Quiet hours are 11:00 PM – 7:00 AM in Sleepy Hollow. Please be courteous to your neighbors with regard to noise. If noise complaints are received, the event staff will intervene as needed. The Ranger staff may enforce quiet hours site-wide at their discretion.
  • DRESS CODE: An attempt at garb appropriate to the SCA period is required for all attendees at all times, with the exception of day trippers. If you do not have period-appropriate garb, it can be purchased from the vendors in merchants row or borrowed from the Baronial Chatelaine. Inquire at
  • PUBLIC DECENCY REGULATIONS: This event is a family environment. Nudity, bondage equipment, and adult behavior are not permitted in public areas. All modern decency laws are still in force.
  • DAY TRIP REGISTRATION: A day trip token is valid from 7AM to 7PM on the day of purchase only. Day trippers on site after 7PM will be required to pay the overnight fee.
  • EARLY ENTRY: Set-up Crew & Merchants are the only people allowed on site before official gate opening on Thursday. No exceptions.
  • PARKING: Parking is permitted only in the main parking area or marked stalls throughout the park. Parking in spaces marked as “RESERVED” is for event staff only. All vehicles must display a parking permit (obtained at Gate registration) at all times. Vehicles discovered parked in unauthorized spaces will be cited by the Rangers and towed as necessary.
  • NO PARKING OR DRIVING OFF THE PAVED ROAD: Loading and unloading is permitted from the paved area only. Vehicles must be moved to a parking area as soon as they are unloaded. Unpaved dirt paths are for foot traffic and emergency/park staff vehicles ONLY!
  • GOLF CARTS: No golf carts are permitted in the park.
  • WATER SPIGOTS: Potable water is available at several locations around the site. Do not block access to the spigots, even if located inside a camp. Do not wash dishes/clothes or bathe at the spigots.
  • DISH WASHING: There are wash sinks available for dishwashing at the stone privy in Sleepy Hollow. This sink clogs easily; dispose of solids separately. If you are not camped in Sleepy Hollow, it is recommended that you provide your own dishwashing equipment for your camp.
  • CAMP SHOWERS: Private camp showers are not permitted in the park.
  • GRAY WATER DISPOSAL: Per park rules, the only liquid that should touch the ground is rainwater to the extent this is possible. All gray water must be disposed of in appropriate containers which are located throughout the park.
  • FORBIDDEN TERRITORY: War attendees are not permitted in the fenced ranger area or on the nature trail during this event.
  • TREES: The trees in Potrero Park are protected. Do not cut, damage, or attach anything to the trees.
  • PETS: Dogs are permitted in the park as long as they have proof of current license and vaccinations. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet and under control of their owners at all times. Other pets may be permitted with Ranger approval prior to the event.
  • TRASH DISPOSAL: Trash will be picked up from the side of the road by the Trash Crew twice per day. Trash must be bagged for pickup. Please separate your recyclables for pickup or drop them off at marked recycling bins. New for 2023: Food waste must also be separated into a compostable container for separate disposal.
  • HOT COALS/ASHES: Dispose of hot coals and ashes in marked hot coal containers only! Do not place ashes or coals on the ground or in trash cans/dumpsters.
  • MINORS and CHILDREN: All minors not attended by their parent or legal guardian MUST have a Minor’s Waiver and a Minor’s Medical authorization form signed and notarized by the Minor’s parent or legal guardian. If you do not have this paperwork you will not be allowed to enter the park. Lost children will only be released to a legal guardian over 18. Parents/guardians must be aware of their children’s location and activities at all times while attending SCA functions. A curfew of 10pm is established for minors under the age of 18. This means they must remain in their camp unless escorted by a parent or guardian. Different levels of supervision are necessary for different age groups:
    • Children below the age of 5 should not be left unsupervised by the parent/ legal guardian at SCA functions, even at planned children’s activities.
    • Children 8 years old and younger must wear colored wrist ID bands obtained at Gate check-in.
    • Children 12 years old and younger should be in eyesight/earshot of the parent or a designated adult or teenager (as determined by the parent). Children in this age range must be supervised and are not allowed to wander freely at official events.
    • Children 12 years old and younger are not considered suitable babysitters for younger children.
    • If children are found to be wandering without adult supervision, the parent or guardian will be issued a warning. If this occurs more than once, the child and his or her guardians may be removed from site and reported to the Kingdom and Society Seneschals.

Fire Regulations


  • All wood fires, campfires, candles, candle lanterns, and all sources of open flame except propane must be completely extinguished by 11PM.
  • Propane stoves, lanterns, and fire pits that have an automatic shut off (such as an on/off switch) may be used between 11PM and 7AM at the Park Staff’s discretion.

The policy of San Diego County Parks Department is that ALL FIRES OF ANY TYPE MUST BE EXTINGUISHED BY 11PM, and they may choose to enforce this regulation as needed. ALL fires must be monitored at ALL TIMES, this includes candles and lanterns. The attendant must be alert, knowledgeable of the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, and know how to use it.

  • FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE REQUIRED for each tent, each kitchen and each fire pit.
  • All lanterns must be enclosed and secured.
  • Candles must be in enclosed containers.
  • Torches (of any kind) are absolutely forbidden. (This includes propane torches and other gas torches – i.e. “No fire on a stick.”)
  • No fires or flames of ANY kind inside your tent or pavilion.
  • Fire extinguishers must be within plain view and easy access of the source of the flame.
  • Fire extinguishers may be purchased at the Potrero Store.
  • Campfires are restricted to the provided pits or fire pits/braziers with a 6-inch vertical outer edge.
  • Non-permanent fire pits and braziers must have a 10 foot clearing around them, a 10 foot clearing above them, and be either at least 12 inches off the ground or have a heat shield. If it’s too hot for your hand between the fire and the ground, it’s a problem!
  • Do not burn aluminum cans or plastic products in the fire rings.
  • Flames must never extend more than 12 inches above the edge of the fire pit or brazier.

The Parks Department may modify the campfire policy at any time for any reason.

If your fire is found unattended, it will be extinguished AND YOUR GROUP WILL BE BANNED FROM HAVING CAMPFIRES FOR THE REST OF THE EVENT. If your group is caught with a fire after being banned, YOUR GROUP WILL BE REMOVED FROM SITE without refund.

A fire is considered extinguished when it has been cooled to the point where it will not reignite when fresh, dry tinder is placed on it.

The policy of San Diego County Parks Department is that ALL CAMPFIRES MUST BE EXTINGUISHED BY 11 PM.