Discover the Kingdom of Caid
Experience History Come Alive
Join us in celebrating the rich history and vibrant community of the Southern California Branch of the SCA. Immerse yourself in medieval culture, arts, and combat.
Historical Reenactments
Medieval Arts
Combat Training
Community Events
Welcome to the Kingdom of Caid
The Kingdom of Caid is a vibrant community dedicated to the study and recreation of medieval history. As part of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), we offer a wide range of activities including historical reenactments, arts and crafts, combat training, and more. Our members are passionate about bringing the past to life and sharing their knowledge with others.
Our Southern California Branch
Located in Southern California, the Kingdom of Caid is a branch of the SCA that focuses on the medieval history and culture of our region. We host numerous events throughout the year, providing opportunities for education, entertainment, and community building. Whether you’re interested in participating in a grand tournament or attending a local workshop, there’s something for everyone in the Kingdom of Caid.